What Will Happen When (and if) the International ACT Becomes Computer-Based?

For some time now, the ACT has been hinting to the fact that it might go computer-based for international testing. Now, it is almost certain that starting September 2018, it will. Although the testing institution has not officially declared so, it has recently released an FAQ page for computer-based international testing. 

Will Paper-Based Testing Not Be Available in International Locations?

Yes, likely so. 

Will the Format of Exam Change?

No, it will be identical to the paper-based version.

What About Timing?

Although not officially disclosed, timing is likely to remain the same, or at least with not significant changes.

Where Can I Test Drive the Online Test?

You can see a model test at the Test Nav website: http://home.testnav.com/

ACT also recommends you read their official guide, which is provided for free here

I'm a Student- What Should I Know, and What Should I do?

  1. Don't panic- it's still not 100% when and if the ACT will indeed go computer-based
  2. But be prepared - they keep alluding to the fact that it will do so in the near future 
  3. Continue studying with paper-based tests
  4. Essays will become easier to approach (it is easier to write essays on a computer than on paper).
  5. But science and Reading sections will likely become harder to approach (underlining and answering questions in a different order will most likely not be possible).
  6. Therefore, use your scrap paper!
  7. Register early! Testing centers will probably change, and so will their capacity
  8. Try to get the ACT done before the change
  9. Keep updated! The ACT will probably release more information in June/July, so check their website, and subscribe to our blog! 

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at contact@prepme.education